Monday, April 28, 2014

Impress Girls with Great Pickup Lines

Most men find it difficult to start a conversation with an unknown girl. For this reason, they start making use of all sorts of jokes, even cheesy pick up lines in order to be able to initiate a conversation with a girl. However, in some cases, this is the best thing to do in order to catch the girl’s attention, mostly when the man in question is shy and afraid of making fool of himself.

Therefore, in this respect, if you want to be successful and pickup the girl of your dream, you should keep in mind a few things first. As I mentioned earlier, some men tend to use some cheesy pick up lines to avoid talking directly to a girl. In addition, these lines are the best way to make a girl laugh. However, even for this, you need to have a little bit of courage to say such pickup lines.

Before you go straight to the respective girl, you need to observe the situation first, and see what you are dealing with. Girls are different and men are different too. For that reason, you need to see how the girl is acting in front of others, or if she prefers to stand at the bar along and take a drink. In some cases, being surrounded by her friends might not be a good thing. If she does not respond well to your compliments, you might end up making a fool out of yourself.

The best way to act is when she is alone and vulnerable. Now, when all is set, just go straight to her and say a simple “hello." This is the best way to start a conversation. However, in some cases, instead of the regular “hello," some people choose to say some cheesy pickup lines in order to impress her as well as to break the ice.

For example, if you say” Am I in heaven, ‘cause you are definitely an angel?’ You might see a smile on her face. This is definitely a good start. After this, you might start saying some compliments, and the conversation is on a good path. I know that it is hard until you get the conversation started, but afterwards, all you have to do is to be honest and sincere, because this is the only way in which you will have success.

Cheesy pick up lines are not for everybody. They require a level of boldness, courage, and self-esteem. You cannot start saying a pickup line and then start laughing. This will just ruin your attempt to pickup a girl. Therefore, when you want to use cheesy pickup lines, you need to have the right attitude. Otherwise, just stick to the right track, introduce yourself and let the conversation flow on her regular course.

I am sure that you will end up having a great time as long as you are sincere and honest. Sometimes, girls appreciate a man who is honest and confident rather than one who makes use of Cheesy pick up lines to impress her.  Choose the best alternative for your own personality.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How To Know if a Girl is Interested in You

Girls are difficult and complicated and we all know it. I think they know it too, and that is the reason why we are having such a difficult time in reading them and their needs. For this reason, when we try to impress a girl, it is hard to tell whether he is actually interested or when she is only acting to please you.

The first step you need to do when you decide to pickup a girl in a bar or club is to take some time in order to observe her. In this respect, check to see if she looks at you. If she does like you, she will try to hold her gaze on you for a long time or even to pull it immediately the moment your eyes meet.

It is worth mentioning the fact that some girls are just watching men just like that. This does not mean that they really love you. For this, you need to identify the motive from within the context. Sometimes, if you check her friends, you might have your answer. When a girl likes a boy, she tends to share with her friends. In addition, if her friends are starting or looking at you, you might have a positive answer.

In the same time, if she likes you and she told her friends about you, they might come up to you and start a random chat about things such as the girl in question, general things about you, etc. This is only for testing the ground. Another interesting thing is the fact that her friends might tease her regarding your person. You can even hear “Be quiet” or “He might hear you." This definitely means that she waits for you to break the ice.
Now, the next step is to watch for signs of flirting. However, is she is indeed flirting; she may be difficult to read. Most girls flirt involuntarily, which means that they show only some unnoticeable signs of flirting. For example, flirt through their unconscious and through their body language. When you got all those flirting signs and approvals, you need to be bold and initiate a short conversation.

If you do not know where to start, you can easily choose some funny pickup lines in order break the ice. This is quite useful especially if you are usually shy in talking with girls. Cheesy pick up lines are the best way to make a girl laugh and smile. Hoverer, keep in mind that all those funny pickup lines are meant only for the beginning of the conversation. There is no point for you to go on with them when the conversation already started because the girl might feel offended and bored.

When the conversation started, try to learn that those little things that make a different will come in handy later. Therefore, you have nothing to worry about because you will find different topics to talk about. If you already saw those signs that she is likening you, then you will definitely find some common topics to discuss.

Again, I want to mention the fact that most boys tend to use funny pickup lines in order to avoid a real conversation, as well as some really bad jokes. If you decide to use bad jokes as a test, and the girl laughs at your boring jokes, then you might risk of looking like a comedy dork. Choose wisely, and treat a girl with respect. You will see you will have the best results.

Do’s & Don’ts To Pickup Girls

Picking up girls in bars and clubs might not be as easy as it seems, especially for those who lack confidence and courage. However, picking a girl in a bar is not that hard, especially when there is the best place to do this. Nonetheless, if you want to improve your picking up skills, you might want to read the following lines.
Girls are difficult and everybody knows it. They want to hear something, and when we say it, they feel offended. In this case, if you want to avoid such things, you need to have things clear in your head before you go and introduce yourself. In the same time, you might want to use some cheesy pick up lines or actually funny pickup lines in order to break the ice and go with the conversation.
In what concerns cheesy pickup lines, some girls might find these techniques quite rude and offensive. In this case, you should focus on being yourself.


- Confidence, confidence, confidence
This is the most important part of your personality when you try to meet someone new. Be yourself, act natural while you stay confident. Girls will immediately notice when you are not sure on your own powers and skills. Even if you risk failure, you will have the possibility to take your changes with another one, and so on.

- Be honest
It does not matter that you do not have some great experience to share with a girl. Do not try to invent something on the moment, because you will see that lies will not give you to anything good. Maybe you will build a great relationship, and she will learn that you lied with certain things.

- Keep distance
Do not jump all over the girl in order to make your point. She knows that you want to get close, but this does not mean that you are allowed to suffocate her with hugs and kisses, while you touch her legs and arms. Wait for when the girl will give you the right signs.


- Push for her number. If you already asked for her number and she did not offer an answer, do not try to convince her to accept. Perhaps she does not want right know, or she wants to wait a little bit. Make a request at the end of the conversation and see how this goes.

 - Too many compliments
I know that you might think that girls enjoy compliments. They do, but they do not want a compliment after another. This reveals the fact that you are desperate to make her accept your requests. Show her that you are not interested just having sex, you are interested in her person.

- Cheesy Pick up lines

I know that most of you might think that choosing a pickup line might solve the confidence problem. This is always true. Cheesy pickup lines might get you a girl of two, but this all depends on the type of girl you want to pickup. Some girls like boys that are confident enough to say some cheesy pickup lines when approaching them in the bar. On the other hand, others do not like such pickup lines. Therefore, you need to take your chances if you want to have success and walk away with a beautiful girl at your arm.

Monday, April 7, 2014

5 Steps to Meet Women in Bars & Clubs

When most men think about picking up a girl or a woman, the first place that comes to their mind is bars and clubs. Now, let us be honest. There is the best place where you can find a girl who is willing to start a chat, or perhaps a little bit more. After all, when girls want to have fun, they head over to the bar for a drink or in the club to dance the night out.

Sadly, even with the amount of girls that are roaming around the bars and clubs, some men go out night after night, but they seem not to have an effect. Here I want to show a couple of steps you will need to take in order to pickup women and girls in a bar. Who know? Maybe you will find the girl of your dreams and the mother of your children on a night out.

1. First of all, you do not have to take all this process too seriously. After all, all you want to do is to pickup a girl, to chat and dance with her the whole night and that is it. However, most girls in bars are already tired of being harassed by men all night long, and maybe, when you will decide to make your move, she will reject you without even having the chance to say hello. Therefore, do not expect too much from your first attempt.

2. Learn to take her number quickly. This is very important in order to develop a trustful relationship. Perhaps some of you might find this step rather complicated. However, there is nothing to worry about. As long as you stick to the plan, you will manage to have a phone number in your hands in no time. The best way to take a number is to go out straight. Ask for her number even at the first of the conversation, and you will see that you will receive it.

3. In order to succeed, you need to be confident and courageous. You need to improve your inner self before you find the courage to talk to a girl. She will easily sense that you do not trust your own powers, and she will reject you in a minute. Techniques and funny pickup lines sometimes might be the best choice. Girls enjoy funny guys and most of them have a sense of humor. For this, you need to take the best funny pickup lines. However, it is better to avoid cheesy pickup lines since they might not be well received, especially if they are too cheesy. Go with a funny pickup line and you will be just fine.

4. Make your move despite the bad result you might receive. Be prepared take a “No” for an answer and move on. The sad truth is that most guys in bars and clubs do not approach girls at all. They choose to stare from far away, imagining how the discussion would flow. Moreover, they make up millions of reasons not to approach a girl. This is the worse idea ever. If you do not try, you will not receive.

5. The last thing you will have to do once you get to talk with the girl you want to pickup is to maintain a discussion. If you keep her engaged and capture her attention, which is the most difficult part, you might say that you succeeded in your purpose. The key is to center the conversation around her.

As long as you keep these advices in mind, you will see that you will be able to pickup women and girls in bars with no problems. Keep in mind also to refrain yourself in saying to many cheesy pickup lines because you might end up with a drink in your face.

3 Steps to Make a Girl Kiss You

Girls can turn out to be pretty difficult to read for most men. In this respect, some of you might need a little help in picking up the girl of your dreams. However, there are a couple of things you need to take into consideration when you choose to pickup a girl in a bar or club.
The first interaction is actually pretty hard, especially if you are not that type of boy. You need to be a little bold if you want to have success. First, you have to observe the subject, as well as her friends before you decide to make a move. See if she sends you signs or if she flirts with you, and only afterwards make your move.

As a matter of fact, some boys decide to make use of various funny pickup lines in order to break the ice at the beginning of the conversation. If you do not know how to start your conversation, using cheesy pickup lines might make a girl laugh or smile. This means that you are the right path. However, keep in mind that these cheesy pickup lines are useful only at the beginning. Afterwards, it is hard to keep the conversation at a decent level if you make fun of her by using funny pickup lines.
Now, when you already started the conversation, I know that the hardest part is already gone, but it is very difficult to maintain a conversation, as well. You need to be aware of the things you say or do, since the girl might feel offended by your choices. The next step is to kiss her.
A first kiss is never easy. It is confusing and tricky and one of those times, they can go either ways. She could kiss you back or she cannot. This is a risk you need to take. Here are three useful steps that you might use in order to make a girl kiss you. Keep in mind that every girl is different, and every girl responds differently.

1. Get some alone time

This is mandatory in order for you to make the first step. You need to take the girl away from her friends in order to avoid embarrassing moments as well to make her feel more comfortable. If you want a girl to kiss you back, you need to build the moment. A dimly lit room would definitely work in your favor.

2. Get her in the mood

This means that you need to make her comfortable with the environment as well as with your own person. Do not try to be too funny by using many cheesy pick up lines, be yourself and she will act in consequence. Touching her now and then is actually useful since you make her open to your intention. Delicately touch her fingers and play with her hair. Compliment her skin and her perfume. If she is laughing, fooling around or excited, you are on the right path.

3. Initiate the kiss

Before you initiate the kiss, you could easily place a small kiss on her cheek. This means that one thing at a time in order to prepare things. If she is involuntarily smiles back, then everything is great. During this time, you should watch for her reactions. If she is blushing, then you can easily kiss her cheek once again, but let your lips almost touch her lips. Now, you have prepared to ground and you are ready to take her a real kiss. Kiss her and see how she responds.
Everything is ready. As you can see, it is not that difficult when you put it on the paper. I know that the real thing is actually pretty hard, but if you take things at a time, you will definitely have success in luring the girl of your dreams. Whether you choose to use funny pickup lines to introduce, of you choose to be yourself, if you are confident, everything is going to be OK.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tips & Tricks to Approach a Girl in 2014

I know that most of you think that there is no such thing as a pick up guide or tutorial for approaching girls. In fact, there is not. All that you can get are a few advice on how to approach a girl that you like. In addition, if you landed here, I am sure that you will definitely want to learn more. I will try to provide you some useful advice as well as some of the best cheesy pick up lines for you to break the ice.
In order to be able to pick up a girl, you need to be aware of some things. Not being able to start a simple conversation is a very common among many men who date. Sometimes, men are too busy trying to make a girl like them and to show them how carrier they are, while the girl tends to lose interest. In order to prevent this, you should take each step at a time.

First of all, you need to know the environment. Check out to see if the girl is alone, if she is drinking, or if she is willing to chat with a stranger. After you observed the situation, you need to head over. The first step is the hardest one, you need to go and talk to her. For this, you can easily use some useful, funny pick up lines. After all, every girl loves a boy with a good sense of humor.

However, keep in mind to choose funny pick up lines since all those cheesy ones can turn out to be actually rude and the girl might feel offended. The whole purpose of these pickup lines is to break the ice at the beginning of the discussion. You can say something like “Am I in Heaven, ‘cause you must be definitely an Angel?” I know that this is a little bit cheesy, but most girls will put a smile on their faces when they hear this.
Now, with the conversation started, you can ask for her name and give yours. Keep in mind not to put a compliment right in at the beginning of the conversation since most girls are used to this sort of approach and they will think you are the same as others. 

In the same time, it is important to keep an eye contact during the conversation. This will inspire courage, security, and confidence. If you avoid looking her in the eyes, the girl might think you are lying.
Even with all those funny pick up lines, girls are not that easy to impress. The first two minutes of the meeting are the most important. At that moment, she will decide whether if she is going to carry on with the conversation or not.

I know that some of you are not that confident in using cheesy pick up lines in order to approach a girl, but, in fact, this is not that hard. Make yourself comfortable and do not lose the confidence. Girls appreciate confidence and reliability.

Next, when you want to impress and approach a girl, keep in mind these simple advice coming from a man who actually followed them. Talk naturally, and do not over think each sentence before you say it. Be yourself while you keep your cool. In what concerns the best cheesy pick up lines, everything is better than not saying anything. In addition, funny pick up lines is always funny and casual.