Monday, April 7, 2014

5 Steps to Meet Women in Bars & Clubs

When most men think about picking up a girl or a woman, the first place that comes to their mind is bars and clubs. Now, let us be honest. There is the best place where you can find a girl who is willing to start a chat, or perhaps a little bit more. After all, when girls want to have fun, they head over to the bar for a drink or in the club to dance the night out.

Sadly, even with the amount of girls that are roaming around the bars and clubs, some men go out night after night, but they seem not to have an effect. Here I want to show a couple of steps you will need to take in order to pickup women and girls in a bar. Who know? Maybe you will find the girl of your dreams and the mother of your children on a night out.

1. First of all, you do not have to take all this process too seriously. After all, all you want to do is to pickup a girl, to chat and dance with her the whole night and that is it. However, most girls in bars are already tired of being harassed by men all night long, and maybe, when you will decide to make your move, she will reject you without even having the chance to say hello. Therefore, do not expect too much from your first attempt.

2. Learn to take her number quickly. This is very important in order to develop a trustful relationship. Perhaps some of you might find this step rather complicated. However, there is nothing to worry about. As long as you stick to the plan, you will manage to have a phone number in your hands in no time. The best way to take a number is to go out straight. Ask for her number even at the first of the conversation, and you will see that you will receive it.

3. In order to succeed, you need to be confident and courageous. You need to improve your inner self before you find the courage to talk to a girl. She will easily sense that you do not trust your own powers, and she will reject you in a minute. Techniques and funny pickup lines sometimes might be the best choice. Girls enjoy funny guys and most of them have a sense of humor. For this, you need to take the best funny pickup lines. However, it is better to avoid cheesy pickup lines since they might not be well received, especially if they are too cheesy. Go with a funny pickup line and you will be just fine.

4. Make your move despite the bad result you might receive. Be prepared take a “No” for an answer and move on. The sad truth is that most guys in bars and clubs do not approach girls at all. They choose to stare from far away, imagining how the discussion would flow. Moreover, they make up millions of reasons not to approach a girl. This is the worse idea ever. If you do not try, you will not receive.

5. The last thing you will have to do once you get to talk with the girl you want to pickup is to maintain a discussion. If you keep her engaged and capture her attention, which is the most difficult part, you might say that you succeeded in your purpose. The key is to center the conversation around her.

As long as you keep these advices in mind, you will see that you will be able to pickup women and girls in bars with no problems. Keep in mind also to refrain yourself in saying to many cheesy pickup lines because you might end up with a drink in your face.

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