Thursday, September 18, 2014

Find out When a Guy is Flirting

I am sure that at least one time in your life you wondered whether the nice guy smiling towards you is actually flirting with you. Body signs are easy to read once you get hold of them. First, you need to know each sign before assuming that a man is asking you out for a date. In this case, you need to know the signs of flirting.

Here I want to show you exactly what signs you should look after when being introduced to a man or when you attend a meeting. Sometimes, it is actually hard to learn body language, but it is possible if you know where to start. Here are five ways that men unconsciously and even consciously let you know that they like you. Take a look and next time you meet a new person, you will know what to look for.

1. The Lovely Smile. The smile is actually a good sign and when it comes to flirting; it is one of the surest signs that he is interested in you. If you notice he is smiling at you, there is a good change he likes and wants to learn more things about your person. Perhaps the next person is shy, and in this case, you need to show him a little bit of confidence and courage by approaching him first. Of course, when you like the respective person. Just smile back, initiate a conversation, and do not try to play hard to get.

2. Shy blush. At this time, you already know that in some cases, it is difficult to flirt with a shy person. However, this does not mean you should avoid such type of man. If you notice a person blushes around you, this is the most certain sign you can get. If you make a man blush, then he definitely likes you. In the same time, keep in mind that not only shy men blush. Sometimes, tough men blush too. Therefore, it is up to you how you choose to act later.

3. Eye Contact. At this point, we all know that eye contact is a sign that suggests confidence, respect and independence. A man who looks you in the eyes is a confident man, a man that knows what he likes and wants, and he is not afraid of showing it off. The eye contact is one of the most obvious signs that a man is trying to flirt with you. Depending on how long a man holds an eye contact with you, you can find out whether if he likes you or not. If he is also smiling, then he definitely likes you.

4. Mirroring. Sometimes, men mirror women’s reactions and actions without even noticing it. Mirroring is another sign he is flirting with you. This ranges from mirroring blink to mirroring manner of speaking. To get this sign better, it happens when you launch and he laughs too.

5. Raised eyebrows. Sometimes, when a man likes a woman, and this also goes the other way around, he keeps his eyes down, avoiding looking directly in the other person’s eyes. In the same time, he keeps his eyebrows a little bit raised too. It is an involuntary action, and when he does that, it means that he likes you, and he is somehow shy and tries to avoid a direct glance.

As you can see, these signs can be easily performed on a daily basis, even around strangers. However, when you start thinking and analyzing, you will see that the man who does this is actually trying to initiate a conversation with you. If you are planning to act first, try to wait until you see at least three of these signs. Sometimes, a lovely smile means that he is polite or happy. You do not want to make a fool out of yourself by hitting on a man who does not feel the same. In the same time, keep in mind that every man is different, and he might do different things.

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