Saturday, September 20, 2014

Guidelines to Find the Place for a First Date

I know you all have heard many things on how you should behave when having your first date, what you should say, and how to act. These rules might seem unnecessary, but in fact, they can turn out to be pretty important for the incoming dates.

The first date is all about making a good first impression. After all, this is the time you get to know a person for the first time, and in case you know her a while back, you will get to know her in a different manner. In order for the first date to work, you will have to keep in mind a few aspects. As long as you follow these simple advices, I am sure that you will be just fine.

The first thing you need to consider is when you plan to ask her to a date. Avoid taking her out on Saturday or Friday night. On these nights, you will encounter all that noise and the partying. She will expect high-energy fun. To avoid competing to this, you can simply ask her out in any other day of the week. The expectations are relaxed, and you can take full advantage of your night.

When asking her to go out with you, do not call it a date. The way in which you pop up the question is quite important because it suggests a way in which your partner will perceive the meeting. Simply ask her for a drink or a coffee, and then see how things turnout to be.

The first date should not be about dinner. Avoid taking your first date on a dinner night. If you are going to pay for a dinner, you will end up pressuring her. If you split the bill, then you could look cheap. A drink is more appropriate because you will have a chance to talk, to be relatively close, instead of eating face to face, without having any physical contact at all.

In the same time, you should search for a place quiet. If you met her on a loud bar or club, you want to get her out of that place, to a place more relaxing, a place which will allow you to talk without having to yell at each other.  The first date is all about knowing each other, feeling comfortable and entertaining.

Spend as little money on the date as possible. I am sure that pretty much none of you would like to pick up an expensive tab for a woman. It things happen, she wants to feel like she did it because she wanted, not because she is obligated. You can even say you will pay for the first round, and she needs to pay for the second one.

In this way, you will not make her feel poor, and depended on your financial status. Trust me; this is pretty bad for a first date. On the other hand, if the bill is relative acceptable, there is nothing wrong to pay for it yourself.

Keep in mind that the date is all about two persons. Never meet up with your friends or her friends. Useless, it was agreed from the start that it would be that kind of double or triple date, do not meet with her friends or yours under any circumstances. In this way, you will avoid her being analyzed, feeling uncomfortable and anxious.

The date is only about the two of you. In addition, it is important to find a place not too far from your house. It things start to happen, and they lead to the right thing, you will want to go back to your place.

If you do take her back to your place, you will need an excuse, but if your house is right around the corner, you will succeed. If she is meeting you, she is already attracted to you, therefore, as long as you act, as you should, I am sure that you might take things to a different level, and you might end up having a second date, the third date and so on.

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